Tulip bouquet

Tulip bouquet
The tulip season typically runs from the end of September to May, during which you can order the flowers from our online shop. Budapest delivery is available. Beautiful tulips in decorative packaging are in stock in mixed colors. It is a bouquet of 20 stems. If you have specific color preferences, please contact us before placing an order using one of our contact methods. A complimentary greeting card is included with the bouquet.
19 900 Ft
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The products shown in the photos may differ from reality. Considering that they are made from live flowers and there are no two identical flowers, as well as being prepared from freshly arrived flowers daily, some variations may occur. If any component is out of stock, we reserve the right to use a substitute product. We always strive to create an order that closely matches the color scheme and style seen in the photo. If we can only make the order with significant changes, we will always consult with the customer after the order has been placed.